27 Oct

Variouspollutants and microbes in the atmosphere cause contagious andinfectious diseases. These germs and pathogens are not visible withnaked eyes but they lead to serious health issues. Therefore, it isnecessary to take preventive measures in order to thwart off suchinfectious bacteria. Ubiquitous hand sanitizers can greatly preventyou from cold and other infectious diseases. It is not possible tocarry soap and water everywhere, thus hand sanitizers are bestsubstitute that can effectively kill bacteria and germs oncontact.

There are some reliable companiesthat provide diversity of alcohol free and alcohol basedhand-sanitizers. GermBloc is one such reputed brand as well s onlinesupplier of effective alcoholfree hand sanitizer. These sanitizers are greatlyhelpful in killing 99.99% of bacteria along with moisturizing theskin. The sanitizers are safe for your toddlers as they containchemicals in very less amount. Non-alcohol sanitizers generallycontain small concentration of Benzalkonium chloride andPovidone-iodine. Moreover, alcohol free sanitizers of GermBloc areeffective in reducing gastrointestinal infections and protect youfrom fungal infections also.

Some of theadvantages offered by alcohol free sanitizer lotion supplied byGermBloc over alcohol based sanitizers are:

  • Theselotions have non-drying and non-irritating properties

  • Alcohol freehand sanitizer lotion is generally itch-freesince it does not contain harsh chemicals

  • Thesesanitizers and lotions contains ingredients which work asantiseptic

  • Alcoholfree hand sanitizers can be used on chapped hands as they do not irkor pain.

  • Theyevaporate optimally and leave a pleasing aroma onhands.

Thehand sanitizers provided by GermBloc can be the trusted allies foryour health especially during cold and flu season. These sanitizersare easy to carry and also they do not cause any irritation on theskin. Though the handsanitizer lotion provided by this online store isfree from alcohol yet they are surefire germ killers. GermBloc is oneof the leading online sellers of alcohol free hand sanitizers andlotions. Number of sanitizers and lotions are available at their siteat affordable prices. Thus, you can purchase them in bulk for purposeof schools and offices. You can also purchase these alcohol freesanitizers and lotion from various retailers of the company such asAlbertsons and Costco wholesale.

Thus, ifyou are looking for supreme alcohol free sanitizers and lotions, thenGerm Bloc’s sanitizers are the best choice.

Formore information, please visit germbloc.com.

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