08 Nov

Skin is the largest and one of the complex organs, which act as a barrier between environment and internal tissues. Skin provides protection from various microbes like bacteria, fungus and parasites as well as maintains optimal body temperature. Since, skin is the most vital organ of the body it is indispensable to take proper care of it. Increasing contamination of air and water as well as growing use of chemical fertilizers for producing crops in large quantity causes serious skin problems. Also, overuse of synthetic beauty products may give rise to skin problems like rosacea.

Moreover, over-exposure to harmful UV radiation causes melanoma which is the most deadly skin cancer becoming prevalent in major part of the world. It is important to consult medical experts like Dermatologist in case of significant skin problems. There are several skin diseases which needs appropriate treatment from effective dermatologist like dermatologist in Jacksonville FL. Some of the major Skin problem includes:

· Lupus: In case of lupus ring shaped patches develops which may or may not cause itching. It is a form of autoimmune disease which needs proper dermatologist care.

· Hives: Hives is generally triggered by factors like consumption of eggs or nuts, blood transfusions, insect stings or viral infections. It starts with an itchy patch and turns into swollen red wale.

· Scabies: Scabies is generally a skin infestation that can cause itchy and pimple like rashes to be formed on skin. Scabies is a contagious disease which can become bothersome if not consulted with dermatologist within time.

Skin cancers like melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma can prove to be fatal, if not cured in initial stages. Melanoma is one of the most dangerous cancers that initially effects skin but can also spread to other parts. Intense exposure of UV radiations is one the prime cause of cancers like melanoma. Mohs Surgery near Jacksonville by Park Avenue Dermatology can greatly cure this cancer and help you get back to normal healthy life.

Summing up, if you are suffering from some sort of skin allergy or disease then Park Avenue Dermatology is the destination where you can get reliable treatment.

About Park Avenue Dermatology:

Park Avenue Dermatology is one of the renowned dermatology clinics in Jacksonville, Florida. They provide treatment for all sorts of skin diseases and lethal skin cancers with the help of recent techniques like laser therapy. MOHS treatment skin cancer Jacksonville FL is one of the best dermatology centers where you can get effectual treatment of skin cancers like Basal Cell Carcinoma.

For more information, please visit Parkavedermatology.com.

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