16 Mar

Weall know about advent calendars, they are special calendar used tocountdown to Christmas. Advent is the time period spent inanticipation of the birth of Jesus. To count the days before JesusChrist’s birth, a nativity advent calendar is used which also serve as funways to wait for the great festival. This countdown normally startson the 1st December and lasts till Christmaseve. On Advent calendars every day one number is pertaining to thethat day’s date is flipped, which gives way to a picture, messageor design suiting the festival season. These calendars come in manyforms from a normal paper calendar to especially designed fabric onbackground to handmade boxes of wood with holes to keep small items.

Traditionally advent calendars weredifferent in many ways but now with time and advancement theirdesigns and formats have also changed. Now people have differentprospective and approach towards everything and the Puppet Christian advent calendar is no exception. Advancement andnew approach of younger generation has brought fun and excitement ofadvent on digital platform. These puppet advent calendar app deliversdaily videos of puppets and interesting activities engaging the wholefamily to make the days of anticipation happy and exhilarating,

The advent puppet calendar app is anupcoming app which will make your advent exciting and fun. This appwill get launched in December 2017. This app is designed to give youand your family daily fun during advent through daily videos clipsand also explains you truth behind Christmas and the many ritualsrelated to both advent and the day itself through videos, messagesand pictures.

Not just videos andpictures, the Puppet advent calendar app also has songs, Christmasmessages, drama, craft, puzzles and illusions and this entire packagewill make your advent days very special. With puppet stories andother fun elements puppet advent calendar app will entertain you andyour family making your countdown to Christmas all the more unique.This app will be available to download just before advent starts.

Explore more about them on theirwebsite: Thatadventpuppetapp.org.uk.

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