17 Nov

Productsthat you use in your day-to-day life like fruits, vegetables and evenmedicines need to be stored in a well maintained temperature so thatthey do not get spoiled. The room where such environmentallysensitive products are stored and maintained is called cold chain tokeep them safe and remain fresh. Cold chain facility ensures aparticular temperature required to sustain that particularproduct.

One such cold chain andenvironmentally monitoring solutions manufacturing company isPakSense. PakSense provides the retailers, suppliers and theexporters the world class equipments that help to ensure the safestand freshest food to your customers. They have cold chain expertisewhich provides complete monitoring solutions to the customers.PakSense’s products like AutoSense Inbound protect records adatabase of regulated temperature and reports any sudden change inconditions so as to protect the products from getting perished.PakSense also works with the cold chain logistics providers for the maintenance of thevaccines at a particular temperature. It provides the tool formonitoring the supply of food items.

Thecompany provides cold chain solutions for food, life science,industries, etc. They have an adroit staff of more than 80 years’experience in different sectors like grocery, restaurants and foodsupplier. They have specific monitoring solutions for differentsegments including the import/export, harvest to supplier, etc.

The PakSense products of lifescience are shipped with the NIST certificates and are validated.They have the skills to develop a separate and complete cold chainindustry for life science. PakSense provides complete monitoringsolution to the industries also. From chemicals to electronics orfrom adhesives to sealants, they provide the best cold chainequipments at affordable prices. They also provide cold chainconsulting to improve your cold chain practices and help you setstandards of safety and freshness.

PakSense’sprominent services are as follows:

  • Theyengage all the stakeholders to keep the cold chain using cold chain technologies.

  • Theyprepare and analyze report regarding maintenance conditions ofproducts.

  • Theykeep an eye on the cases if they’re working properly ornot.

  • Theyprovide seasonal recommendations to thesuppliers.

Theyprovide monitoring systems supply chains and enable you to abide byFood Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).

Formore information, log onto paksense.com.

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