Whilewe have been using crystals for healing since a long time now, there arestill many skeptics out there who dismiss their power considering‘crystal healing’ something of ‘pseudoscience’. However,since the ancient times, crystals have been used in traditionalhealing processes in many cultures around the world and are known toproduce miraculous effects on people. Often regarded as wisdomstones, owing to their prehistoric existence, crystals are known tohold puissance to not only revitalize, calm your senses and increasethe flow of positive energy but also to heal many diseases in humans.
Hence, placebo or not, healingcrystals do work. But probably, you already know that. On the otherhand, what you may not know is how to use them? So, let’s take alook at the various ways you can harness the power of these crystals.
Ascensioncrystals when placed on the body properly aligned with the specificchakras help to heal your aura, let you gain sovereignty over yoursenses and calm them down. Alternatively, you can place them over thespecific body part that’s suffering from an ailment to treat itholistically, for example over abdomen region to treat a livermalfunction etc.
Youcan wear crystals as rings, bracelets or necklaces to constantlychannelize their positive energy into your body and stabilize thechakras. Different colored crystals have different forms of energiesand advantages hence you can choose one based on your need.
Generallyopted by a crystal therapist, this method is beneficial to sweep offthe negative energies and chakra imbalances from the body. A crystal pendulum at its end is used to stroke the body indownwards direction, without breaking the rhythm.
To truly benefit from healing crystals it isnecessary to be patient and believe in them. And another importantaspect to take care of is their authenticity. You can buy genuinehealing crystals, Rudraksha and other such ascension products fromShivoham Malas for Ascension.
AboutShivoham Malas for Ascension:
ShivohamMalas for Ascension is a well known name in the field of ascensionproducts like Shiva eye agate, chakra stones, ek mukhi Rudraksha, crystal pendulums andmuch more. They endeavor to provide you original and effectiveproducts for an all-round holistic well being.
Formore information, please visit Malasforascension.com.