30 Mar

Whenit comes to resume writing, the presentation is everything. You mayhave nothing noteworthy to say about yourself on the resume, but ifit is aesthetically pleasing, then there is a high probability thatit will be given a second look. On the other hand, if you haveachieved everything including the moon and the stars, but you presentit in such a manner that it hurts the eyes of the potential employer,then it will probably find its way to the trash in a matter ofseconds. So, how do you ensure that your resume is pleasing enough towarrant some professional scrutiny? Here are some tips on what todo.

  1. Use a clearfont and a proper layout

Thefont hat you use can make or break your resume. There are some fontsthat are pleasing to look at and easy to read, yet on a resume, theywould not portray the required level of professionalism. On the otherhand, there are some fonts that may seem simple but would make thehighest difference on your resume. The layout will determine how easyyour work is to read. The proper layout should evenly space the workand make everything legible, without wasting space. Since it isreally difficult to find a balance between these two aspects, yourbest alternative is to go for a functional resume template. It should have all of thisproperly laid out for you.

  1. Highlight your skills and experiencefirst

Thisis the work of the first two pages of your resume. You need to makesure that the job manager going through the resume has a reason toconsider you. Some people lead with all the wrong things, presentinghow much time they spent in the school system and how many trophiesand certificates they collected. If you are using the proper creative resume templates, then you will find that there is somespace allocated for listing your skills and experiences at thebeginning of the resume. This is the best way to peak interest inwhoever is reading it.

  1. Use the appropriatephoto

Thisis one of the most important personal touches. If a photo is to beincluded in your resume, then you need to ensure that it is theproper one. It should be a professional passport taken while you aredressed in an appropriate manner and in the right setting. Unless youare applying to be a lifeguard at the beach, then leave thoseshirtless photographs for the home photo album.

  1. Personalstatements

Anotherimportant element is your personal statement. You need the jobmanager to know who you are and what you stand for early on. Somepeople make the mistake of putting this somewhere in the middle, bythis time, the reader of the resume has already formed a mentalpicture of who you are. In most cases, this is never a goodpicture.

There are a lot of resumessubmitted to every job vacancy, yours included. What gives you theedge over the competition is how your resume looks and the format inwhich what you are trying to say has been laid out in. To be on thesafe side, use a modern resume template and let yours shine brightly inthe pile of poorly written ones.

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