04 Apr

In this time of ever growing violence, self defense has become more and more important. While people have resorted to buying weapons as part of defense, they forget the best defense is to protect yourself from such attacks rather than retaliating. While terrorist organizations rely on lone wolf attacks throughout the world, it is important for our law enforcement forces to keep themselves protected from such attacks. Bulletproof vests can help them stay safe when under attack.

Bulletproof vests are the best available protection against bullet attacks. These vests carry ballistic plates that are built to withstand the force of bullets. These plates are made with reinforced steel that can limit the impact of the bullet on the body, causing no injury. The law enforcement requires such protection the most as they try to protect civilians from such wolf’s of the society.

Most ballistic plates are made with heavy metal which makes the law enforcement personnel immobile when under attack, putting them under more danger. There are some companies, who have developed lightweight bulletproof armor, offering higher level of protection against bullet attacks while also keeping law enforcement personnel mobile. Mobility for defense personnel is very important; it helps them to maneuver faster when under attack.

These ballistic plates, while being lightweight are uncomfortable when worn in a bulletproof vest due to their rigid shape that does not fit well the body. This led to the need for a multi-curve ballistic plate that not only protects the law enforcement personnel but also fits well to the body’s shape, helping them being mobile and safe. Premier Body Armor, a USA based company has developed such bullet proof plates. The company’s flagship product, the Premier Durus 8000 is NIJ certified body armor. The ballistic plate is extremely lightweight, has a multi-curve design and multi hit armor system provides superior protection.

About Premier Body Armor:

Premier Body Armor has developed the world’s first multi-curve Steel Armor body system. The company’s superior body armor products are a result of their experience of manufacturing armor of vehicles over the past 20 years.

For more information about Premier Body Armor, log on to: Premierbodyarmor.com.

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